“How”, not “when”

Luke 17:20-21 Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”

The question was a “when” question that Jesus answered with a “how” answer. And in his answer how, he answered the “when” question with “right now”.

Having seen the miracles Jesus performed and listening to his teaching, many in Israel thought he would bring the kingdom of God as a political force that would rule the world from Jerusalem. There was no shortage of national pride in that expectation.

This was not the reign that Jesus was to bring. Instead, it was conquest of the human soul, a personal transformation paid for by his own sacrifice, the very opposite of the actions of the ruler they expected. They were both unwilling and incapable of understanding and experiencing the kingdom in their midst.

Jesus went on to explain to his disciples the dire times that would bring God’s kingdom in power upon the earth. It would (and will) not be a desirable period in which to live. Yet, it was not to happen in the lifetime of his hearers.

It is healthy for believers to long for Jesus’ return. There is only One who can deliver this world, and his appearing and final reign is before us all as a blessed hope.

But we should never assume that any man-made or -sustained system on this earth to be the expression of God’s kingdom “in our midst”. It is mine and ours, to have the reign of God within our hearts and the conformation to his image (Romans 8:29) be the signature work of power in this life.

Jesus instructed his followers to NOT chase after predictions of the times of his return (Acts 1:7) yet people act like the Pharisees in their speculation and relentless scheming. Let me stay away from that foolishness and treasure the Kingdom that is in our midst and in me. Amen.

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