Singing songs of deliverance

Psalm 32:6-7 Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah

The passage starts with words that sound quite conditional – effective prayer is to be offered only by the godly ones and only during a time when God “may be found”. But in the original language the phrase shows up elsewhere and a more literal rendering would be “when in the time of finding” .. that is, a season in human life when the soul yearns to find God. Yet it is seasonal – the penitence and humility to pray and seek God can and are certainly NOT permanent states of every life, nor states in the life of every group or nation. That is, there are times when God is NOT found due to a lack of seeking, faith and/or overriding concern. The conditionality is on people, not God.

The rush of great waters would happen in a different season – one of trial and calamity.  The season of prayer and seeking is clearly preparation and the source of deliverance during the flood.  Floods are guaranteed; deliverance from them is conditional, truly.

The safety from the waters is a place of shelter, or hiding, from the troubles when they come.  The preserving, keeping protection God provides shouts or songs that circle his people on every side.  The power of the loud testimony keeps hearts and minds centered on the reality of that protection.  It amplifies over the din of the rushing flood, of threat and gloom.  The believer sings along and is preserved from all harm.

Rising waters do not only cause physical damage to life and property.  Certainly, they sweep away both people and the elements of people’s lives.  They also leave indelible marks on the soul – emotional and experiential scars that live on as fateful harbingers of disaster to follow.  Expectations sink in the murky waters.

Let me then mark my deliverance.  Let me sing those songs I heard clearly during the season of my deliverance.  For they were from the Almighty, testimony to prayer and devotion I learned to offer in seasons prior.  I’ve earned nothing, but have remained attached to the vine that gives life and even watches over it.  To God be the glory.

Sing on, O my soul, and rejoice in the God who saves.

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