Cut to the heart – Acts 2:37 (October 13, 2014)


Acts 2:37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”


It was Pentecost, the Jewish feast denoting the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mt. Sinai 50 days after the exodus from Egypt (aka Passover). Jews from all over the Roman world came to Jerusalem to celebrate, to meet and worship in the temple in the spiritual center of the Jewish faith. The apostles, along with other believers in Jesus, had gathered in the upper room of the house nearby and a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit took place. There was the sound of rushing wind, a visible sign of tongues of fire resting on each one and the sudden ability to speak in the languages of all the Jewish people gathered, as they praised God. They were accused of being drunk but many were deeply puzzled by what this meant. The Apostle Peter stood and gave an explanation of the phenomenon, saying it was the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. He spoke of the death of Jesus, slain by the very people present, of Jesus’ real identity – God the Son and of the need to embrace Him by faith as Lord. The same Holy Spirit that caused the manifestation gave power to the words of Peter, and those listening were deeply moved (“cut to the heart”) and asked “what shall we do?” Peter would direct them to be baptized and believe and to begin a life of faith in the Jewish Messiah, Jesus.


The death of Christ did not write a dark chapter in the love story of God for His chosen people. It was the greatest expression of love God ever had for them. Peter was talking to those to had shouted “Crucify” on the hill that day, but God was extending His saving grace to them all, both at the crucifixion and now at Pentecost. If I dare hold onto grudges, even for murderers and bloodthirsty people, I have established a higher standard of acceptance than God Himself. The message that Peter gave had no denial of the crime they had done; but it presented a generous, glorious heart of grace to those who had declared themselves bitter enemies of Jesus. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, it hit pay dirt in their hearts, bringing deep remorse and a desire to make things right. Let this be my message, not avoiding the topic of sin and the twisted heart that commits it, hating God and His Son and any form of righteousness that does not produce personal gain. Yet guilt turns to conviction when salvation is offered. For there is a strong and redeeming answer to “Brothers, what shall we do?” Indeed there is a whole life to be lived in the light of the truth, light that allows believers to let down their defenses and serve in humility and in loving community. There were 3000 added to the church that day through faith in Christ and there would be millions more. May I be faithful to the message.


Father, this is Your Word. It is the purpose for which I have believed. You never stop loving, never stop reaching and drawing people. Let me be part of that I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.