The unwarranted wail of the obedient

Luke 15:30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’

It’s a parable, a story with made-up characters.  But because Jesus told it, our minds and souls immediately plug real people into the roles, because they are always archetypes of human beings in our lives.  We know people like that.

These words were spoken by the older son of the Prodigal Son, the younger brother who demanded his inheritance money before his father died and then wasted it on wild living.  He had come back, ready to be a slave and not a son, but his father would have none of that.  He was restored to sonship immediately upon his return with great fanfare and celebration.


The older son bitterly resented his brother, in fact refused to call him his brother – “this son of yours” intentionally skirts the fact that they are brothers.  Even if the father had not disowned the younger brother, his older sibling had.

The resentment of those who have remained faithful to a role, relationship or life calling while others have strayed and then returned is founded in envy.  This son wanted to be celebrated by his father and felt he had deserved it by virtue of faithfulness.  His father replied that he could celebrate any time, but that his brother’s return was life from the dead, so they MUST celebrate.

Where do I fail to rejoice with those who rejoice?  To probe my soul –  where is my reticence (my reserve) hiding real resentment?

The root of the anger by the older brother is a feeling of being unappreciated.  Let me recall seeing it in myself – it takes selective inventory of work done, counting every scar, personal cost and crippling fatigue that plagues all hard work.  And arguably we NEED to be validated and celebrated from time to time as we NEED to know and chronicle how our gifts and competencies are developing.  And there’s nothing wrong with having needs.


But if I feel injustice when someone else is celebrated, I need to get over myself.  Because they have needs as well.  The younger brother needed to have his decision to come back validated and joyfully underscored.  He had himself been victimized by those who loved his money but couldn’t care less about him, but at this point he had returned to those who loved him.  Except for his older brother.

Don’t be a resentful sibling when the stray returns.  Just don’t – it hurts you.