Conflict gone ballistic

Acts 6:11 Then they secretly persuaded some men to say, “We have heard Stephen speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God.”

They had heard no such thing. Stephen simply had used the same scriptures they used to selectively enforce their oppressive reign over the people to show that Jesus was and is God the Son. And he was unbeaten in his debates; they simply had no answer for him.

So, out of that defeat and wounded pride came a set of false accusations that would eventually result in Stephen’s death. But first he would win one last debate – in front of the whole council of religious leaders.

The act of escalating a debate out of envy and malicious vengeance always produces overkill. But those who do it are pleased to gloat over their victory, however achieved. But it is of course no conflict resolution – it is only escalation to higher authorities who may or may not have the insight or even the compassion to judge or contend fairly and justly.

Do I handle conflict like this? Do I scheme, gather secret consensus and ally myself with those whose only agreement with me is resentment towards my foe? Certainly I can and must appeal to God my Father, both for encouragement and correction. But concerning correction – do I even entertain the possibility that I might be in the wrong? Am I refusing to learn, thinking I know it all? If so, I must remember the wisdom of humility, though it cost me some esteem for a time.

And when I am like Stephen, the winner of debate and the one who finishes atop my competitors, do I seek to reconcile with them, to re-establish peace and safety as much as is possible? We aren’t told about Stephen’s entreaties to his opponents; whether he approached them as friends after contending with them as ideological enemies. Whatever happened, there clearly was no reconciliation and matters only grew worse.


It’s not that peace is the ultimate goal. But it’s definitely one goal. Stephen was fighting, as any believer should, to proclaim the truth. Yet truth without mercy can be very cruel. Again, not being sure of what Stephen said or did, let me be sure to mend relationships when there has been the heat of debate or the bone of contention.